The purpose of this blog is not to be a "woah is me" ordeal. Its purpose is to share my stories and what I have been through; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Although the beginning seems rough and not the greatest of situations to be in. Its something that has changed my life for me as a person, as an individual, and a human being. Not every bad situation has to be negative. It can be positive as well by learning what you did wrong or from a bad situation and make sure it never happens again. That you take what you know now and use it for your benefit in the future. Just like I hope everyone that reads this will use it for their use in the future. Whether you are a random person reading this, a friend that I have know for years, another military member gay or straight, enlisted or officer. We all can benefit from reading about my experiences and using it for future references.
Overall, this is a positive experience to share my stories and give all my readers a new perspective on what its like to be a minority. To be gay. But also to openly serve in the United States Air Force. While the early struggles depict a somewhat backlash from some. I don't hate any of the individuals that put me through hell. I welcome them back with open arms because not everyone in this world was raised the same way. Not everyone grew up in the same areas. Not everyone has the same ideas. I respect that and hope that maybe one day I can help change their views and ideas on gay individuals in the military. Some people can change but we have to be realistic and know that this change won't happen overnight. It took years for DADT to be repealed. It'll take days, months, and years to change ones ideology of me and others.
People will always hate the things they don't understand. But I believe if we do have an understanding... then maybe they won't hate, but love...
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