Sunday, October 1, 2017

IDMT School Complete

For all my readers who have been anxiously waiting for what I'm going to say next...(sarcasm).

So after all the bitching and complaining about being volun-told to become an IDMT.  It all miraculously worked in my favor in the end.  The first month of school was very difficult and stressful.  Probably the most stress I had been in, in awhile.  Going to class 0700-1600 M-F, taking in all of this knowledge and skills and having to study every night and all weekend.  Legit I would get out of class and go back to my hotel room and sleep until around 1730 and study until dinner at 1830 and then get back to studying until I fell asleep.  The weekend we would just study all day.  I had no life and it was hard.  The tests were nerve wrecking and I pretty much thought I failed every time I selected the submit button.  Talk about an anxiety attack... shit.

Hell week was the worst.  We had a test Monday.  Physical Exams on Wednesday and Ortho exams on Friday.  I must say.  Making it through that was stressful but that feeling of accomplishment after was worth all the long hours of studying and practicing hands-on with my classmates for the physicals.  

My assignment was another miracle....

About 2 months into school it was about time for assignments to be chosen and be posted.  I was excited and nervous at the same time with millions of thoughts going through my mind.  One of which was would this be my time to PCS again or denied and stay here in Oklahoma.  Prior to attending IDMT school I had done a lot of research into AFSOC(Air Force Special Operations Command) and what it had to offer and the amazing opportunities it had to offer.  Thankfully I like to plan ahead and I got most of my package done for this job offer and all I had to do was the swim test. Well I went ahead and submitted my package. And less than 24 hours later I received the call that I was accepted.  I'm going to(now here) Hurlburt Field!!!!

Fastforward to July 18th and I graduated.  3 months of hard work paid off but I honestly couldn't do it without most of the people in my class.  Its now October 1st and I have so much to fill everyone in on but for now this should suffice.

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